OEM ahaziri China Okpomọkụ mkpuchi oghere oghere maka friza, friji, igwe na-ere ahịa

Nkọwa dị mkpirikpi:

Zerothermo FS VIP (Fumed silica Vacuum insulation panels) conductivity thermal erughị 0.0045w / (mk), nke bụ ihe mkpuchi mkpuchi yinye oyi kacha mma ruo ugbu a.Ọ bụ obere okpomọkụ conductivity na ezigbo mkpuchi okpomọkụ na nchekwa ike.Mgbe a na-ahọrọ ihe mkpuchi dị iche iche iji nweta otu mmetụta mkpuchi ahụ, oghere mkpuchi oghere (VIP board) nwere ike ime ka ihe mkpuchi ahụ dị ntakịrị ma ọ bụ mee ka ohere dị nke incubator buru ibu. ) nwere ike ime ka igbe mkpuchi na-arụ ọrụ ogologo oge.Na nchịkọta, oghere mkpuchi oghere ọ bụghị naanị na-enye ohere ohere buru ibu na ngwa mkpuchi yinye oyi kamakwa ọ nwere mmetụta mkpuchi doro anya yana uru akụ na ụba na-azọpụta ike.Ọ bụ ihe mkpuchi mkpuchi yinye oyi dị elu ma dị mma.

Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Mkpado ngwaahịa

Every individual member from our large performance revenue crew values ​​customers' requirements and organization communication for OEM Customized China Heat Ikpuchi oghere Panel maka friza, refrigerator, Vending Machine, N'ihi na n'ihu queries ma ọ bụ should you have any question about our solutions, you should usually do not chere ka ị gwa anyị okwu.
Onye ọ bụla so n'otu n'ime ndị ọrụ anyị na-ahụ maka ego ha na-enweta nnukwu ọrụ na-eji ihe ndị ahịa chọrọ yana nzikọrịta ozi nzukọ makachina agụụ mkpuchi panel, Ihe mkpuchi ngwa ngwa ụlọ, oghere mkpuchi panel, Ịre ngwaahịa na ngwọta anyị na-akpata enweghị ihe ize ndụ ma na-eweta nnukwu nloghachi na ụlọ ọrụ gị kama.Ọ bụ nchụso anyị na-agbanwe agbanwe iji mepụta uru maka ndị ahịa.Ụlọ ọrụ anyị na-achọ ndị ọrụ n'eziokwu.Kedu ihe ị na-eche?Bia sonyere anyi.Ugbu a ma ọ bụ mgbe.

Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Nrụpụta ọkụ [W/ (m·K)] ≤0.0045
Nguzogide okpomọkụ [m·K/W] ≥4
Njupụta [kg/m3] 180-240
Ike Puncture [N] ≥18
Ike tensile [kPa] ≥100
Ike mkpakọ [kPa] ≥100
Mmụba mmiri dị n'elu [g/m2] ≤100
Ọnụego mgbasawanye mgbe agbachara ya [%] ≤10
Nrụpụta ọkụ mgbe agbachara ya [W/(m·K)] ≤0.025
Ndụ ọrụ [afọ] ≥50
Ọkụ na-echebe Ọkwa A
Okpomọkụ na-arụ ọrụ [℃] -70-80
Ịdị ogologo (W/mk) Ọnụọgụ mmụba ≤0.001 (Nnwale ịka nká)
Nha 300mmx600mmx25mm
900mmx600mmx25mm ma ọ bụ ahaziri nha

Njirimara ngwaahịa


Ikike inye:50000 Square Mita/Square Mita kwa ọnwa

Nkwakọ ngwaahịaNkọwa: Katọn siri ike na pallet

Na-ebugo Port: Shanghai, Shenzhen China


Ngwakọta ihe eji eme ihe, imepụta isi (ụdị ebu), ịkpụ isi (ịbelata nha ndị ahịa arịrịọ), mbukota isi na envelopu na-abụghị nke a kpara akpa, ihicha isi (wepụ mmiri na irighiri ihe), Mgbochi dị elu na-ebukọ foil, usoro agụụ, nnwale mbụ na leakage nnyocha, flaps mpịachi, leakage nnyocha site guzo, niile ule, katọn nkwakọ.


Igbe oyi, friza, friji

Ọnọdụ azụmahịa na Usoro:

Ọnụ ahịa na Usoro nnyefe: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, DDP

Ego ịkwụ ụgwọ: USD, EUR, JPY, CAD, CNY, AUS

Usoro ịkwụ ụgwọ: T/T, L/C, D/PD/A, Western Union, Ego nkịtị

3333Every individual member from our large performance revenue crew values ​​customers' requirements and organization communication for OEM Customized China Heat Ikpuchi oghere Panel maka friza, refrigerator, Vending Machine, N'ihi na n'ihu queries ma ọ bụ should you have any question about our solutions, you should usually do not chere ka ị gwa anyị okwu.
OEM ahaziri China Vacuum mkpuchi mkpuchi,Ihe mkpuchi ngwa ngwa ụlọ, Vacuum mkpuchi mkpuchi.Ire ngwaahịa na ihe ngwọta anyị anaghị akpata ihe egwu ọ bụla ma na-eweta nloghachi dị elu na ụlọ ọrụ gị kama.Ọ bụ nchụso anyị na-agbanwe agbanwe iji mepụta uru maka ndị ahịa.Ụlọ ọrụ anyị na-achọ ndị ọrụ n'eziokwu.Kedu ihe ị na-eche?Bia sonyere anyi.Ugbu a ma ọ bụ mgbe.

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